Featured Projects
Michigan Log Home Repair Project: The Murdock House Restoration

Year Built: 1830
Year Repaired: 1993
Repair(s) Completed: Log Repair
American Log Restoration has restored hundreds of log buildings, ranging from historically significant buildings to modern homes. Handcrafted, saddle-notch, chinked and full scribe are but a few of the log styles we’ve worked on.
The Murdock House, built in 1830, is the oldest log building in Michigan. Scheduled for demolition, American Log Restoration used some of the same tools the original builders used and replicated the hand hewn dove tailed corners. Today the Murdock House is a museum piece that can be enjoyed by all.
This work was featured in Muir’s Original Log Structures Restoration Guide For Builders and Buyers in 1993. The article is “Replication: More than restoration.”